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Date posted: February 15, 2016

One trend I am seeing across my client base of B2B enterprise software clients is what many of them are calling “The Digital Transformation.” There’s a growing acknowledges that more and more things and people are connected digitally, and that as more data is being generated. Savvy enterprise software companies are moving quickly to leverage the digital transformation to help customers to take practical action.

According to Wikipedia, The Digital Transformation is defined as follows:

Digital transformation refers to the changes associated with the application of digital technology in all aspects of human society. Digital transformation may be thought as the third stage of embracing digital technologies: digital competence → digital usage → digital transformation, with usage and transformative ability informing digital literacy. The transformation stage means that digital usages inherently enable new types of innovation and creativity in a particular domain, rather than simply enhance and support the traditional methods.

If you are a B2B software vendor, what are you telling customers about how you plan to help them through the Digital Transformation?

Date posted: February 2, 2016

Business Process Management  (BPM) solutions hold out the promise of bringing a process-centric view to IT solutions. But are they living up to that promise? How can manufacturers unlock the potential of BPM?

In an interesting white paper written by iGrax, the company suggests that BPM will enable companies to “implement systems that support, simplify, enable and automate the way a business operates.”On their own, however, the paper states, BPM systems are not the complete answer. Business Processs Automation (BPA) solutions that effectively span the various process improvement needs within the organization will help unlock the potential of BPM systems by bridging the chasms between the major organizational constituencies and providing a common language for the progressive, agile enterprise.

According to the white paper:

Process initiative practitioners stand to gain significant benefits from a BPA solution through the ability to use solutions that meet their specific process-oriented needs while at the same time synergizing with the efforts of the rest of the organization. By supporting process centric initiatives or requirements like Six Sigma, Lean and Sarbanes-Oxley, the BPA solution enables these practitioners to integrate with the broader organization without compromising the needs of the methodology. A BPA solution also enables process initiative practitioners to have an even greater impact on the results of the organization. By using a solution that bridges the organizational gaps and facilitates cross-functional communication, the results from process-centric initiatives can feed directly into the implementation environment.

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